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Catholic School Education

Celebrating Catholic Schools

Sister Mary Paul was the Former Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Archdiocese of Chicago. Click the following link to hear her message:

Sister Mary Paul’s Catholic School Message

Parents share why they chose an Archdiocese of Chicago Catholic School for their children.

“Why Choose A Catholic School?”


St. Bede the Venerable School uses the Common Core standards-based curriculum developed by the Archdiocese of Chicago as a basis for instruction and modified for local needs. The curricula is available online at the archdiocesan website,

In addition, the academic curriculum focuses on the development and reasoning of basic skills in reading, language arts, mathematics, science, social studies and art at every level.  These subjects are supported by a fine tutoring program in math and reading, one of the largest and most complete elementary libraries, a fine arts program, a physical education program, and many extracurricular activities. Parents are encouraged to read  their child’s texts to familiarize themselves with the content and to be better able to guide their child’s progress.


Religious education is the core of the curriculum at St. Bede School.  It is the reason for our existence.  In addition to daily formal classroom instruction, the curriculum is enriched by school liturgies, prayer services, and traditional developmental practices.  The basic content of the curriculum progresses according to the ability of the students to understand the teachings and traditions of the Church.  There is also a strong emphasis on Christian service to others.  Essential to the curriculum is the support of the family.  Parents are the primary educators of their children and must be aware of the responsibility of attending Sunday Mass and encourage participation in the Sacraments as an example for the entire family.  Parents are expected to take an active part in the formal instruction which accompanies the Sacramental programs, attend at least one parent meeting, and present their child at the commitment service.


The program stresses development of competence in reading comprehension and vocabulary along with an enjoyment of reading.  The program involves a basal reading approach with a strong emphasis on integrated units and literature circles.  Supplementary and enrichment reading outside of the classroom is stressed.


The program stresses the development of competence in grammar, punctuation, and usage.  It encourages development of writing skills while providing instruction in the mechanics of coherent writing.  The students will follow the writing formula prescribed by the Illinois State Board of Education.


The program encourages the application of spelling principles to daily work. Grades 1-6 use spelling workbooks.


The primary grades provide directed practice in the fine motor skills required for legible writing.


The program focuses on computational skills and problem solving with applications to the daily lives of the students.  The integration of writing into math will be given strong emphasis.  The Archdiocesan curriculum is based on the Common Core State Standards.  A competency test will be given at the end of each trimester.  Tutoring every Monday after school will be mandatory for students who have a D or U average at the end of the first semester.  A student must pass a final test to be promoted to the next grade.


The program serves to introduce the students to major concepts and generalizations in the physical, life and earth sciences.  Processes encourage experimentation, inquiry, and sound research techniques. The Science Fair is required for students in seventh grade and encouraged for students in eighth grade.


The program helps the students to further develop reading and thinking skills.  Map skills, basic understanding in geography, current events, peace and justice issues and American and World history are parts of the curriculum.


Computer education is formally taught in our Computer Lab.  The students learn key boarding and programming skills as well as the use of the computer for word processing, research, tutoring and strengthening reasoning skills.  There are computers in classrooms in each grade.  Every room has wireless access to the Internet.  All classrooms use Microsoft Office Suite as the standard.


Students must complete all required courses to graduate.  There are no social promotions.  If a student receives 2 U’S in a subject during the year, this course MUST be made up.  If a student receives a U or “incomplete” in any of the six major subjects at the last marking period this grade must be made up before a diploma well be given.  The local high school receives a notice describing the deficiency.  The high school is later notified when the requirements for graduation are fulfilled and the student receives his or her diploma and then the student may be accepted.

In some cases, a student will be allowed to be in the graduation ceremony, but will not receive their diploma until the failure and/or any “incomplete” is made up.

Courses can be made up through summer classes at the local high school the child will be attending in the fall. St Xavier University offers special make up classes through their Merwick Institute, and sometimes through text the student will complete on their own and meet with Mrs. Johnson or a teacher. The student will be required to pay for any additional texts.  It is the student’s responsibility to meet with Mrs. Johnson to set up a program to meet graduation requirements.  A student does not have to wait until the end of the year to begin making up any deficiencies. This policy is explained to the eighth grade students at the beginning of the year and each time report cards are handed out.

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