Elementary and Junior High Curriculum
The curriculum of St. Bede the Venerable is engaging and challenging. With the Common Core Standards, textbooks have been purchased which align to these standards. Our faculty has been trained in Common Core Standards and Curriculum Mapping as well as in their subject areas.
Elementary Curriculum
The Elementary Curriculum emphasizes hands on learning in all subjects. Students are taught early reading skills through the use of different types of books. Our students also utilize the Sadlier Vocabulary Workbooks as their basis for vocabulary and word understanding. Our Math program emphasizes small group instruction and stations as well as targeted instruction. Experiments, projects, and skills such as graphing, creative writing, and editing are taught at this level.
Junior High Curriculum
Junior High Math begins with a solid background in math concepts and continues through instruction of Pre-Algebra in Seventh Grade and Algebra in Eighth Grade. Math Tutoring is available for students in all grades.
Language Arts
Reading Instruction utilizes a Literature Circles base through the use of novels. Skills of higher level analysis, comprehension, reflection and connection are taught, to name a few. Students write about and discuss what they read in whole class and small group format. Instruction in English class emphasizes many types of writing. Students are taught grammar as it pertains to writing skills.
Science class is taught mainly through hands on experimentation. Students are taught the Scientific Method in all grades. Students in grade seven participate in the Science Fair. There is a Science Lab with equipment in it for the use of all of the students.
Social Studies
Students are taught Social Studies using a variety of resources, including first hand accounts, non-fiction books, films, and internet resources. Skills such as note taking and historical analysis of events are taught. Students are evaluated with tests, projects, and presentations.